From 3000 milliseconds to 200 to open a page: Speed up your Notes Client applications by discovering their bottlenecks.

I had inherited a template for a database which was taking 3 seconds to open any sort of document. It soon got to be irritating, and I noticed that the little lightning bolt at the bottom left side of the Notes client was flashing wildly, so I fired up the Notes RPC Parser to try and see what was all the traffic about.

The culprit was soon found: it was a subform containing buttons whose label was dynamically computed depending on the user’s desired language. And, unfortunately, it was making an @DbLookup for every single button, and an uncached one at that. If you look at the screenshot, you’ll see that an @DbLookup generates 3 NRPC Calls, for a total of 50ms – and this was done 30 times each time a document was opened.

That, and another issue that I corrected, meant that I could massively improve the performance of the application for only about half a day’s worth of work.


Feel free to use the tool, or if you can’t be bothered, hire me to solve your Notes Client performance issues.

P.S. I’ve just released a new version of the tool Notes RPC Parser, which you can download here:

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